PhD陶瓷经验介绍 by 黄子文


关于套磁重不重要一直是历年申请 phd 的同学的一个争论不休的问题。一方面一旦套磁成功能够得到该学校录取的可能性将会非常大;另一方面,大多数人的大部分套磁信都会石沉大海渺无音讯。例如我一开始在暑假阶段的所有套磁信几乎都没有得到任何回复;申请阶段发的套磁信也只有三到四个老师给了正面的回复,有几位老师礼貌地回复了拒绝的电邮,其他绝大部分都没有任何消息。

但是最终我所得到的几个比较优秀的 offer,如西北大学、普度大学,都要归功于套磁成功的老师的推荐。因此套磁一旦成功几乎就可以保证你的录取。但也并不是说没有成功的套磁的学校就不会发 offer,例如我也收到了Penn State的 fellowship,尽管我并没有给任何老师发任何信息。

但必须承认的是,对于一个海外知名度不是非常高的大学(东南大学),想要得到phd项目这样严苛要求的 offer,如果不说服可能会招你做学生的老师,你录取的可能性真的是极低的。例如那些没有套磁成功的而物理排名十分靠前学校几乎无一例外拒绝了我的申请。












Dear Prof.xx,


I'm an applicant from Southeast University, Nanjing, China. Now I'm ranking 1st in my department with a xx GPA. I'm very skilled in programming in C++ and Matlab due to my previous research experiences (in polymer physics and nonlinear optics). I also have a good basis in mathematics, as I always got the highest scores (over 95) in these math courses.

I'm very interested in topics in theoretical condensed matter physics, such as superconducting, quantum Hall effects, topological insulators, etc. This semester I took the course "Superconducting Physics" and learned about the interesting BCS theory, G-L equations and applications of superconductors like Josephson junction and SQUID. This topic really fascinates me a lot. Because of my interest, my undergraduate thesis is about the mathematical expression of BCS coherent state. Specifically, its link to super-lie algebra. Right now I am learning Lie group theory to further understand this topic.(这些其实都是他感兴趣的方向)

I found in your website that you have research interest in topics in superconducting. You have done a lot of renowned work in He3 super-fluid as well, which sounds fascinating to me as well. You said in one of your publications that they share a common property as a symmetry breaking and Bose-Einstein condensation. That is interesting. I want to know more about it.

I have submitted my application to your department. Your research group has a reputation in this area, so it will be a great honor for me if I could be one of your group members. I am wondering whether you have gradaute student positions in Fall 2016?

Thank you very much!


Ziwen Huang

Southeast University

Nanjing, China


Dear Prof. Gregory A Fiete,


I'm an applicant from Southeast University, Nanjing, China. I'm very interested in topics in theoretical condensed matter physics, such as topological insulators, superconducting, superfluid, quantum Hall effects, etc.

I read some of your recent publications about topological insulators, which sounds fascinating to me. Your discussions about crystalline protection in a class of TIs topological insulators, a protection mechanism besides time-reversal symmetry, is really fancy. Your publication about fractionalization in topological insulators, where strong correlation makes band theory ineffective, is also interesting to me. I learned about fractionalized charge in quantum Hall effect before, and your discussion in this effect in topological insulators sounds intriguing.

Currently I rank first in my department and have submitted my application to your department. I am very skilled in programming in C++ and Matlab, and have two first-author theoretical publications during my undergraduate session. Your research group in UT Austin has a fame in the area of topological insulating. I am wondering whether you have graduate student positions in your research group? It will be a great honor if I can be one of your group members.

Best wishes,


Dear xxx,

Merry Christmas!

I'm seeking a graduate position in US. Now, I'm going to submit my application to the graduate program in Purdue University. I found in your website that your research area fits my interest. My research interest lies in theoretical condensed matter physics. I'm very fascinated by the surprising phenomena of superconducting, topological phases, various quantum Hall effects and many other interesting topics in today's physics research in condensed matter physics.

Your group's research in quantum Hall effect and topological insulators fascinates me a lot. I heard from my supervisor that you have a fame in this area. It will be a great honor for me if I can be one of your group members.

Right now I'm ranking first in my department, with a xxx GPA and 990 GRE subject physics. I have several theoretical research papers during my undergraduate session, and have a good basis in math and programming in C++ and matlab.

I'm wondering whether you have graduate positions next year? If you have interest in recruiting me, please pay attention to my application.

Thank you very much!


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